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الدكتور المهندس فائق محمد سرحان

مدونة الدكتور المهندس فائق محمد سرحان هي مدونة هندسية تخاطب المهندس الراقي



Name & Surname :
Assist Prof. Dr. Faiq M. Sarhan
Place & date of Birth:
Iraq – Baghdad , 1974
Sex :
Languages :
Arabic, English
Home address:
Iraq- Baghdad,

Mobile Phone. 07703925506    
MailFaiq_faiqmohmed @yahoo.Com. http://www.drfaiq.blogspot.com


  • Ph.D. Civil engineering, Construction Management, Baghdad University–Iraq, 2009.
  • M.Sc. Civil engineering , Construction Management, AL-Mustansryia University– Iraq, 2000.
  • B.Sc. In Civil engineering, AL-Mustansryia University–Iraq, 1996.
  • Assistant Professor Doctor since 2014
  • Lecturer Doctor since 2009
  • Assistant Lecturer since 2005
  • Date of subscription to Iraqi engineers union is: July / 1996, Membership number is: 82026
Global International Academic Experience
·Reviewer scientifically supported in the KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, with impact factor is 0.383
·Reviewer scientifically supported International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology , with impact factor is 1.825
·Editorial Board Member of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal (CiVEJ), http://airccse.com/civej/editorial.html.
·Editorial Board Member of Journal of Buildings Research, http://pakinsight.com/?ic=editorial-board&journal=84.
·Member of PMI(Project Management Institute), https://my.pmi.org/

Academically experience:
1.  Assist Prof. Dr. : Building and structural Eng. Dept. post graduated /Technology University 2013,2014
2.  Assist Prof. Dr. : Civil Eng. Dept. under graduated/ Al-Nahrain University 2009 and now.
3.  Assist Prof. Dr.: Civil Eng. Dept. post graduated /Baghdad University 2009-2010
4.  Assistant Lecturer: Civil Eng. Dept./ Al-Nahrain University, 2005 until 2009
5.  External Lecture: Environmental Eng. Dept / AL-Mustanseryai  University 2001 until 2004
6.  Lecture: Short Courses related to Microsoft Project and Neural Networks
7.  Lecture: Short Courses related Cost Management, Contracts Management, Construction Projects Management, Specification and Estimation, Operation Research, Engineering Statistics and Engineering Economy.

Scientific research
1.     Modeling the Operation of Transportation Construction Material by using Computer Simulation Technique. Conference of Ministry Housing and Construction. 29-30/12/2001 ,Iraq
2.     Estimating the cost of paving the highway construction project by using artificial neural network.  2nd Scientific Conference of College Engineering of Al-Qadesya University, 19-20/9/2009, Iraq
3.     Estimating the total cost for the highway construction project by using artificial neural network.  2nd Scientific Conference of College Engineering of Al-Nahrain University, 30-31/12/2010
4.     The use of artificial neural networks for productivity estimation of finishing stone works for building projects. Journal engineering and development, 18(2), pp.42-60,2012.(Arabic)
5.     Development of the construction productivity estimation model using artificial neural network for finishing works for floors with marble. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 7, NO. 6, JUNE 2012, pp.714-722, IMPACT FACTOR 0.462
6.     Modern Technique in Engineering Education, college engineering– AL-Mustansryia/Journal engineering and development,18(3), pp1-16,2012.(Arabic)
7.     Statistical Evaluation of the Affective Factors on the Process of Preparing Time Schedules for Iraqi Construction Projects, college engineering–AL-Mustansryia / Journal engineering and development / 17(1), pp33-61,2013.(Arabic)
8. Using Multivariable Linear Regression Technique for Modeling Productivity Construction in Iraq, Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 3(3)PP127-135,2013, IMPACT FACTOR 0.031
9.Development Of The Mathematical Model For Predicating The Construction Productivity In IRAQ Using The Artificial Neural Perceptron Network, college engineering– AL-Mustansryia/Journal engineering and development,18(2),pp1-21, 2014.(Arabic).
Training Courses

  1. Course in Construction Project Management /Commission of Planning/2001.
  2. Environmental Protection and Industrical Safety/ Commission of Planning/Central National of Planning and Administrative/2002.
  3. Training and Developing Employees/ Commission of Planning/Central National of Planning and Administrative/2002.
  4. Computer Operation/ Commission of Planning/Central National of Planning and Administrative/2002.
  5. Operation Research / Commission of Planning/Central National of Planning and Administrative/2002.
  6. Maintenance of computer/ Al-Nahrain University - 2009
Practical experience:
2014: Head Manager of maintenance department in alnahrain university.

2012 :Head Manager of continues education department in alnahrain university.

2005-up now: Experience in field construction according to the following activities:
1.       Artificial Intelligent in construction sector
2.       Controlling construction costs
3.       Controlling construction time
4.       Quality control of construction activities
5.       Simulation of construction activities
6.       {including consultation experience in aspects of Construction Management in many Government projects and private consulting offices}.

2003- 2005: SIGMA International Construction L.L.C
          Preparing and Following the Time schedule by using MS-Project for large project such as (Ministry of Defense project) and others.
·        Quality control for many projects in Green Zone and Military Academy
·        Prepare the price lists for all department (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Sanitary)
1996-1998 and 2000-2004 Engineering Affairs Office
·        President engineer in large projects such as (Al-Kabeer Dolaa Mosque Project, Al-Gaffar Mosque Project) in Baghdad, making the quality control and progress time by using MS-Project
·        Prepare the construction contracts formula and discuses the offers of sub contractors.
·        Purchases Unite. Making the meeting with different suppliers and discuses them of offers.
·        Survey Unite: making the all works such as (prepare bill of quantity and measuring the completed activities) and insurance quality for rhese items.
·        Site Engineer in Al-Kabeer Al-Daolaa Mosque project in Babylonia.
·        Site Engineer in Al-President Sites (Dom projects) in  Babylonia.(rehapletation works)
1999-2000  Earth-Al-Kairat Company .itd.
·        Site Engineer in large housing project in Baghdad
1996-1999 Especial Works
·        Experience in field infrastructure projects construction according to the following activities:
1.     Paving of the road and street
2.     Paving of the water cannel.

Skill of Computer Program

Program Name
Primavera Project Planner
Operation System and Office
Neural Network
Years Practiced
10 years
Last Used
Till now
Till now
Till now
Till now
Till now

1.   Acknowledgement  from  AL-Mustansryia University / Faculty of Engineering / 2001
2.  Acknowledgement from the President of Alnahrain University for efforts in the graduation ceremony of students from 2008–2009{No. 3/1/10406, Date ​​05/08/2009}
3.   Appreciation certificate /2nd conference of the scientific engineering / Faculty of Engineering/ University alqadesyia/ 2009.
4.     Appreciation certificate/ scientific Workshop (techniques and modern methods in Engineering Education)/ Faculty of Engineering / Alnahrain University / 2010.
5.     Acknowledgement for the efforts made in the scientific Workshop (techniques and modern methods)/ Faculty of Engineering / alnahrain University/ 2010.{No.H / 1153, date 05.05.2010}.
6.  Appreciation certificate/ 2nd conference of the scientific Regional Engineering/ Faculty of Engineering /Alnahrain University / 2010.
7.  Acknowledgement from the Dean of Building and Construction Department / Technology University / to participate in a working paper Workshop (contract management instructions and implementation of government contracts) / 2010/{No. 917 b , date 15/6/2010}.
8. Appreciation certificate / participating in a working paper of the workshop (managing construction projects in Iraq between application-oriented scientific and professional)/ Faculty of Engineering/ alnahrain University /2011.
9.    Acknowledgement / participating in a working paper of the workshop (managing construction projects in Iraq between application-oriented scientific and professional)/ Faculty of Engineering/ alnahrain University /2011.
10. Acknowledgement / Faculty of Engineering / alnahrain University/ Scientific journey/2011
11. Acknowledgement from the president Alnahrain University / publication of research in international journals with impact factor / 2014

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