Dear Faiq Al-Zwainy,
Greetings from Science Publishing Group (SciencePG).
We are glad to inform you that you have been appointed as the Editorial Board and your name has been shown in the website of American Journal of Management Science and Engineering, the nomination has been effective, please visit the following link:
Pay attention the editorial policy in SciencePG:
1. The Editorial Board shall be promoted extensively in your academic region and country to stimulate more scholars in related fields to publish qualitative original research manuscripts in the Journal. 2. The Editorial Board whose hard work and support for the Journal growth are appreciated will have certain discounts for publication granted by SciencePG. 3. If the Editorial Board stays sabotage and irresponsible to the Journal, SciencePG reserves the rights to terminate the post of incompetent Editorial Board and eliminate related details from our database.
Accept our sincerely congratulations to you.
Sincerely yours,
Zoe King
Editorial assistant
Science Publishing Group, USA
بالتوفيق دكتور ان شاء الله انشوفك باعلى المراتب