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الدكتور المهندس فائق محمد سرحان

مدونة الدكتور المهندس فائق محمد سرحان هي مدونة هندسية تخاطب المهندس الراقي

السبت، 24 يناير 2015

CSiCOL v9.0.0

برنامج CSI COL 9 لتصميم الاعمدة والحوائط

CSiCOL is a comprehensive software package used for the analysis and design of columns. The design of columns of any concrete, reinforced concrete, or composite cross-section can be carried out by the program. CSiCOL provides a ‘Quick Design Wizard’ tool that guides the users step-by-step, through the whole process of column design. This makes the design process simple, organized and efficient. The design can be carried out in accordance with ACI-318-11, ACI-318-08, ACI 318-05, ACI 318-02, ACI 318-99, BS8110, CSA A-23.3-04, CSA A23.3-94, Eurocode 2-2004 and IS 456-2000 codes.
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